Monday, September 28, 2009


Nova is 3 months old.
She's growing fast, and is an absolute angel.

Her current interests are her thumb, her fingers, and her birds. She sleeps through the night and gives lots of smiles. She spends much of her time with momma, but will be spending an increasing amount of time with poppa. When Gus was born Dave and I talked about "the fourth trimester" (yes - we know that tri means three and that makes no sense - bear with me) meaning that those first three months of the baby's life are a lot like the last end of the pregnancy. Baby is pretty much stuck to momma that whole time. Nova's moving out of newborn territory into squishy yummy baby territory. She's getting better at holding up her head and holding on when she's carried. Before we know it, she'll be eating, talking, and walking!